Monday, June 13, 2011

Introducing Us

Good morning, you sexy people!

I know, it's Monday. *sigh* The weekend wasn't long enough for us either.

As you can see, this blog is still in its infancy, which means Estaban and I have a blank slate to play with. And believe me, we LOVE to play around.

So what do we hope to accomplish with this blog? Well, first we'd like to share some of our exploits with you because we think they're pretty damn hot. We could be biased, but we don't think so.

We'd also like to share links to some of favorite reading material by some of our favorite authors. Maybe we'll even recommend a sex toy or two...or TEN! You can never have too many. (As Rihanna says "Whips and chains excite me.")

You can also expect excerpts from our work, as well as sneak peeks at upcoming covers.

If you have any suggestions of things you'd like to see us post, please feel free to email me at We look forward to hearing from you.

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